November 22, 2010

From the journal of Dr. Herbert Blaquemac

And thus begins the journal of Dr. Herbert Blaquemac...

Oh the beauty of this Universe! The wonder of these people, so unique yet all so inherently different! Regardless of birth, despite circumstance, they thrive, in all manner of developmental obstacles, they continue to survive! It's all so breathtaking, this Human race! I hardly think it could have been envisioned what this experiment would become. A continuation of our race, grown from the ground up, raised from infancy to enlightenment...Did they know it would take so long? At this stage of the existence of the Human race, knowledge has yet to be unlocked, and I fear little progress will be made in this regard for the next 100-150 years. They have tremendous ability, the Humans, to attach to their emotions. The animal instincts have yet to evolve and absolve- these Humans are still tied to their animal brethren. These characteristics, these genes, these limitations the Human race was born with- they have yet to be defeated. What power these Humans are ignorant of! Everything they need is there; if they would listen! With pain, I recall the inconvenience of Jesus. His defiance of the truth created inquiry and mystery, both of which have lasted thousands of years now on the Human Planet...

And thanks to this Mystery, thousands of years of evolution have been prolonged. It is the concept of Faith. These Humans have come to the evolutionary point of being acutely aware of their impermanence, and yet, are peculiarly accepting of it. How is a battle to be won without fear? Lack of acceptance is paramount to fear... How can it be that this Human race was closer to enlightenment in the days of Aristophanes and Simonides than it is in the supposed 'prime' of its' existence? What the Egyptians and Mayans had accomplished has long been forgotten and eclipsed by the spectacle of modern achievement, even though modern Humans cannot explain the precision of the Architecture from their own family tree. They are oblivious, and often times I fear the entire experiment has progressed beyond the point of salvation, but the deadline for such events is still lifetimes ahead of my own. All I can hope, in a strange connection to the Human experiment, is to contribute to something greater than myself while I am fortunate enough to spend time in this manifestation of existence.

To be frank, I do not understand the gravity in which our current preoccupation with "physical" existence is held. If the object of a conscious existence with a physical body is to obtain consciousness without the necessity of a physical body, well, then, what are we wasting our time for? The majority of the Human race wants what we possess in galactic proportions: an understanding of existence. Although there have been certain minds capable of grasping an understanding of the Future of Energy, any revelation in regards to this insight would inevitably be met with growing choruses of (Human) discontent. The problem with intelligence is that it breeds resentment amongst those who are unable to possess it. In this regard, I feel compassion for the Humans. They are prisoners to their emotions, and have very little ability to perceive a reality beyond their current misery. Again, it is their "acceptance" that gets in the way. They have a stunning inability to challenge the things they do not understand, and thus, the things they do not understand have begun to define them. Answers to riddles such as this are better left as mysteries; or so goes the intellect of the Human race...

This assignment is, without a doubt, a dream come true. Although I criticize the necessity for the physical manifestation of existence, I can appreciate the desire to study such a critical evolutionary point. The necessity for a physical body is little more than an on-demand service required for procreation. We have all been there; it's our own roadblock in evolution...And from my own experience, I can understand why some make the decision to never come back...But, it is certainly not the end. There is so much more, and even in our current point in what the Humans call "History", we are quite infantile. There is so much more...


  1. Sweet blog. Very poignant and relevant. I like this post a lot it conveys so much of how I feel.
    thank you.

  2. That's so great to hear! Thank you for the kind words, that means sooo much to me! :) Have a great day!!!
